Emotional Clearing helps to release our negative feelings safely.
It can bring a sense of balance and change into our lives.
I think we all can recognize those uncomfortable parts of ourselves that seem to have always lived within us
Especially those more re-active parts that spontaneously
and sometimes chaotically arise when we are living through stressful times
But where do do these feelings come from?
Our more troubling inner “personas” can influence our lives dramatically by unexpectedly ‘slipping out’ into the world when we are moved to act out our strong feelings. Sometimese these are towards someone else and sometimes towards ourselves. In those times when we are emotionally upset or triggered, our sense of equilibrium can topple and we’re left baffled by the sudden surge of emotions springing out from inside of us.
Whether these emotions appear as anger, fear, sadness, and despair or powerlessness, frustration and shame (or any other of the many emotions a human being might feel), we are mystified by our own intensity but usually after the fact. We may even feel held hostage by these intense or pervasive emotions.
How can we possibly cope or come to terms with all that we feel inside when our feelings appear so strong and because we don’t know how to allow their flow without hurting someone else.
Maybe we perceive our life circumstances as too difficult. Maybe they truly are.
Maybe we try to ‘manage’ our feelings but only succeed in pushing them into an inner storage place or background only to find that they come bursting forth in times when overwhelm strikes.
Maybe we are unfamiliar with the full range of emotions, a person can have and that these emotions are best honoured as messages that tell us how we are doing. Really and truly.
Or, perhaps, ‘numbed out’ or ‘frozen’, we see that we no longer know what we feel.
“Feelings are composed of energy, and as this energy continues to build in the subconscious, it starts to act out. It’s the energy of the feelings that influences us, coloring our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, our health, and eventually attracting negative circumstances.”
The Emotional Clearing practise evokes a profound sense of clearing and change. As we become aware of a strongly-held feeling; we learn to accept its presence within us. Then we move into directly experiencing the ‘energy’ of that emotion living in our body. We witness it without judgement and watch as it releases its ‘charge’. A feeling of integration and transformation occurs as this cycle is completed.
This work is accomplished in an environment where we are not inflicting our emotion towards another person. We simply hold space and be present with the troubling emotion as it unwinds itself within us. Sometimes we don’t know what we feel; or simply feeling numb to our feelings. We use this same process to find our feelings and to begin to authentically open to them. This brings transformation.
All Those Feelings
and Body Sensations too!
If you find yourself actively ‘acting out’ in every direction, Emotional Clearing work can help you experience a simple and profound healing and transformation through using its simple techniques. Despite what you may believe about being able to bring clarity to your feelings, you can do this practise and discover how to bring balance into your life.
To begin, a person learns the simple principles of Emotional Clearing. Understanding its basics is important especially if you chose to do the practise on your own; however, working with a practitioner is generally recommended initially. Given time, many people discover that they are able to do this method with relative ease for themselves. Emotional Clearing enables an individual to work alone, with a practitioner or both. As progress occurs, the realization grows that a person can be in charge of his or her emotional clearing and healing. This is self-empowerment.