Night Dreams Waking Dreams Lucid Dreams Dream Keeper
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It’s true that some people may have little or no dream recall or even those who do remember dreams can experience times when there is almost nothing they can bring back from their night of sleep and into the waking world.
But a person still has the ability to access imagery and meaning through other means.
We do this through the practise of waking dreams or by using other methods that will eventually bring about night-time dream recollection too.
Our dreams are a rich inner resource meant to guide and support us throughout our lives. Even active imagination allowed to weave its path through certain practices we learn can still provide access into those inner realms of magic and possibility.
We align with our life energy and become informed by another kind of intelligence.
If you would like to know more about how to work with your dreams, how to develop dream recall so that you might absorb the wisdom of your dreams or any other altered state, please get in touch with me to book a session.